
ATTA’s team is composed of travel industry experts with decades of experience. We do more than just help you market your story—we help you figure out what your story is and how to tell it. Our storytelling skills and consumer-facing platforms can help you reach and expand your target audience with powerful imagery, video, and text that connects with viewers on an emotional level.

What We Do

Inspire our audiences—who care deeply about sustainability and traveling in responsible ways—to seek more about your destination or product.


powerful media from experienced adventure storytellers


emotional connections with consumers


brand awareness and impressions


Sometimes, the story is hiding in plain sight. It takes a curious mind to ask the right questions, a skilled videographer to capture the right frames, and an experienced team to know where to show the footage.

ATTA finds stories that show what makes your brand unique. Our expert marketing team can help you figure out how to best position yourself to tell those stories for greatest impact, and we’ll work with you to develop a custom campaign to stand out against your direct competitors and meet your goals.

“Our exposure to destinations around the globe means that we are uniquely aware of what makes your destination different. When we send in our storytelling teams, they come back with an outside perspective of what makes your destination really special, going beyond the pretty pictures.”

Murray Bartholomew

ATTA Storytelling Producer



You can’t quite put your finger on it, but when you experience it, it changes you. It stays with you and you want to live it — and relive it again. It’s that moment you find something good worth preserving, or something surreal telling you the world is bigger and better than you previously imagined. You know the world would be a better place if people could experience it just as you have. This is why we share our stories.

“We loved working with the ATTA team in this storytelling project that shows perfectly the exuberance of the Peruvian rainforest. The ATTA storytellers did a great job showing how rewarding and life changing the experience of visiting the Peruvian rainforest can be.”

Elisabeth Hakim


We can help you tell incredible stories to unlock your destination’s potential. Connect with our Storytelling team today to set up a call.

Past Partners

We are thankful for the continued trust from our clients. A few representative companies we have partnered with for B2C solutions are: